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Convention Calendar
Please note that not all the convention dates have been finalized.
Breakout Con - March 14-16
Hot Lead - March 21-23
Toronto Game Expo - March 29-30
Ragnarok - April ???
CK Expo - April 26-27
Anime North - May 23-25
Forest City Comic Con - June ???
Pretty Heroes - July ???
Ottawa Comic Con - September 5-7
London Comic Con - September ???
Phantasm- October ???
Geeky Gifts London - November ???
Hot Lead - March 22-24
Phantasm- April 6-7
CK Expo - April 27-28
Anime North - May 24-26
Forest City Comic Con - June 16
London Comic Con - September 14-15
Hamilton Comic Con - September 21-22
Geeky Gifts London - November 24
Hot Lead - March 24-26
Ragnarok - April 22-23
Anime North - May 26-28
Yeticon - June 17-18
Forest City Comic Con - June 24
London Comic Con - September 16-17
Hamilton Comic Con - September 23-24
Looking for a convention? Fancons.ca is there to help.
Updated December 19, 2024